[en] [Rules for the Reckless 03] • Lady Be Good Headline Eternal
[en] [Rules for the Reckless 05] • A Lady's Code of Misconduct Pocket Books
[en] The Duke of Shadows Pocket Star
[en] [Rules for the Reckless 06] • The Sins of Lord Lockwood Pocket Books
[de] Die Wahrheit deiner Berührung Egmont Verlag
[en] Fool Me Twice: Rules for the Reckless 2 Headline
[en] Wicked Becomes You (2010) Pocket Books
[en] A Lady’s Lesson in Scandal Pocket Star
[es] [Rules for the Reckless 01] • Aquel Verano Cisne
[en] A Lady's Lesson in Scandal Pocket Books
[it] Cuori Nell'ombra Mondadori (I romanzi)
[it] Grazie a Te (Romanzi Passione) Mondadori (I romanzi Passione)
[it] Sulla Tua Morbida Pelle Mondadori
[it] A Lezione D'Amore Mondadori
[it] Quell'estate scandalosa Mondadori
[it] [Rules for the Reckless 02] • Ingannare Un Duca Mondadori
[fr] Conquise Jamais Soumise J'ai Lu
[en] [Rules for the Reckless 04] • Luck Be a Lady Pocket Books