Found 24 books

[pt] Peixe-Elétrico Bob Dylan · Edição Especial e-galáxia

Dylan, Bob & Pécora, Alcir & Anderson, Perry & Lísias, Ricardo & Heringer, Victor & Galvão, Walnice Nogueira

[de] Chronicles · Volume One, Volume One Hoffmann & Campe Verlag

[en] Chronicles · 1 Simon Schuster

[it] Chronicles Feltrinelli

[en] Chronicles, Volume One Simon & Schuster

[de] Chronicles Kiepenheuer & Witsch Verlag

[en] Lyrics Simon Schuster

[en] Hollywood Foto-Rhetoric Simon & Schuster

[en] The Nobel Lecture Simon Schuster

[en] Tarantula Scribner

[en] 100 Songs Simon Schuster

[de] Planetenwellen· Gedichte und Prosa Hoffmann & Campe Verlag

[en] Girl from the North Country Theatre Communications Group

McPherson, Conor & Dylan, Bob

[de] Die Philosophie des modernen Songs Verlag C. H. Beck oHG