[en] Eric Hobsbawm Oxford University Press, USA
[en] Political Parties in Britain 1783-1867 Routledge
[en] Britain Before the Reform Act Routledge
[en] Thatcher and Thatcherism Routledge
[en] DDD Quickly Addison-Wesley Professional
[en] Domain-Driven Design Addison-Wesley Professional
[en] ddd-in-php Addison-Wesley Professional
[en] Hitler's People · The Faces of the Third Reich Penguin
[en] The Third Reich in History and Memory Hachette UK
[en] The Third Reich in History and Memory Oxford University Press, USA
[en] [Wild Rush 04] • One Beautiful Revenge Self Taught Ninja
[en] [Wild Rush 04] • This Sweet Escape Self Taught Ninja Press
[pt] Terceiro Reich - Na História E Na Memória Crítica
[en] Risking It All Elloras Cave
[en] Claiming_it_All Ellora's Cave
[en] Main Attraction Ellora's Cave