[de] Liebe aus Nordnordost Rowohlt Verlag
[de] Das Wunder von Treviso Rowohlt Verlag
[de] Liebe in Schwarzbunt rororo
[de] Führung, Steuerung und Kontrolle in der Stiftungspraxis · StiftungsStudie Bundesverband Deutscher Stiftungen e.V.
[pt] Backlash · O Contra-Ataque Na Guerra Não Declarada Contra as Mulheres Broadway Books
[en] White Gold University of Nebraska Press
[en] Backlash · the Undeclared War Against American Women Broadway Books
[en] In the Darkroom Metropolitan Books
[en] Genes and Human Self-Knowledge · Reflections on Modern Genetics University of Iowa Press
[en] Back to the ‘30s?, Recurring Crises of Capitalism, Liberalism, and Democracy Springer International Publishing
[es] En El Cuarto Oscuro Editorial Anagrama S.A.
[it] Nella camera oscura La nave di Teseo