[en] Out of a Wild Sea Random House Australia
[hu] Egy tenyér, ha tapsol Jelenkor
[en] Death of a River Guide Atlantic Books
[en] The Sound of One Hand Clapping Random House Australia
[en] The Unknown Terrorist Grove Press
[hu] Keskeny út északra Jelenkor
[en] [Richard and Morgana MacKenzie Mysteries 01] • The Third Murderer Jack Flanagan
[de] Der schmale Pfad durchs Hinterland Piper Verlag
[es] Mort d’un guia de riu Raig Verd
[pt] O Livro De Peixes De Gould Dom Quixote (Grupo Leya)
[en] Seize the Fire Penguin
[pt] O Caminho Estreito Para Os Confins Do Norte Biblioteca Azul
[en] And What Do You Do, Mr Gable? Vintage Australia
[it] La Strada Stretta Verso Il Profondo Nord Bompiani
[en] Narrow Road to the Deep North, The Vintage Australia
[de] Die unbekannte Terroristin Piper Verlag
[en] Question 7 Random House Australia
[en] The Living Sea of Waking Dreams Vintage Digital