[es] [Stephen Fry's Great Mythology 02] • Héroes Anagrama
[nl] [Stephen Fry's Great Mythology 01] • Mythos Thomas Rap
[es] [Stephen Fry's Great Mythology 01] • Mythos Anagrama
[nl] [Stephen Fry's Great Mythology 02] • Mythos 2 - Helden Michael Joseph
[sv] [Stephen Fry's Great Mythology 01] • Mythos Michael Joseph
[en] Stephen Fry in America HarperCollins e-books
[en] [Stephen Fry's Great Mythology 01] • Mythos Penguin Books Ltd
[en] [Stephen Fry's Great Mythology 02] • Heroes · Volume II of Mythos Penguin Books
[en] [Stephen Fry's Great Mythology 02] • Heroes Penguin Books
[en] [Stephen Fry's Great Mythology 01] • Mythos · A Retelling of the Myths of Ancient Greece Penguin Books Ltd
[it] [Stephen Fry's Great Mythology 01] • Mythos Salani
[en] [Stephen Fry's Great Mythology 03] • Troy Penguin Books
[de] Mythos: Was uns die Götter heute sagen (Die Mythos-Trilogie 1) (German Edition) Aufbau Digital
[de] [Mythos 03] • Troja · Von Goettern und Menschen, Liebe und Hass Aufbau Digital
[de] Ich bin so fry · Meine goldenen Jahre Aufbau Verlag
[de] Das Nilpferd Aufbau Verlag