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[en] [Gutenberg 50544] • The Life of General Garibaldi / Translated from his private papers; with the history of his splendid exploits in Rome, Lombardy, Sicily and Naples, to the present time.
Garibaldi, Giuseppe
[it] [Gutenberg 31002] • I Mille Nabu Press
[pt] [Gutenberg 52847] • Memorias de José Garibaldi, volume 1 / Traduzidas do manuscripto original por Alexandre Dumas
[pt] [Gutenberg 52170] • Memorias de José Garibaldi, volume 2 / Traduzidas do manuscripto original por Alexandre Dumas
[it] Memorie Forgotten Books
[it] [Gutenberg 25199] • Cantoni il volontario Kaos
[it] [Gutenberg 56500] • Memorie / Edizione diplomatica dall'autografo definitivo Sonzogno
[en] [Gutenberg 38486] • Rule of the Monk; Or, Rome in the Nineteenth Century
[it] [Gutenberg 7151] • Clelia: Il governo dei preti - Romanzo storico politico
[it] L’eroe universale Focus