[es] Relatos del alma rusa Maldoror ediciones
[tr] Küçük Burjuva İdeolojisinin Eleştirisi Ortam Yayınları
[es] Narraciones (1892-1924) (Clásica) Alba Editorial
[it] Il Burlone - L'Angoscia Scrivere Edizioni
[it] I Decaduti Scrivere
[sv] Ursparade och andra noveller SAGA Egmont
[sv] Provokatören och andra noveller Norstedts
[es] Narraciones (1892-1924) ePubLibre
[en] [Gutenberg 55502] • In the World Createspace Independent Publishing Platform
[en] [Gutenberg 55284] • Reminiscences of Leo Nicolayevitch Tolstoi Createspace Independent Publishing Platform
[en] Delphi Works of Maxim Gorky (Illustrated) (Series Five Book 11) Delphi Classics
[en] [Gutenberg 55636] • Orlóff and His Wife: Tales of the Barefoot Brigade Palala Press
[en] [Gutenberg 55828] • The Confession: A Novel Prabhat Prakashan
[en] [Gutenberg 55577] • Tales of Two Countries Createspace Independent Publishing Platform