Found 7 books

[en] The Mammoth Book of Regency Romance Robinson Publishing

Hern, Candice & Campbell, Anna & Grange, Amanda & Boyle, Elizabeth & Kelly, Vanessa & Rice, Patricia & Lawson, Anthea & Wildes, Emma & DeHart, Robyn & Kelley, Christie & Ball, Leah & Maguire, Margo & Linden, Caroline & Kennedy, Shirley & Marvelle, Delilah & Bennett, Sara & Page, Sharon & Templeton, Julia & Raleigh, Deborah & Metzger, Barbara & Young, Michele Ann & Jewel, Carolyn & Heath, Lorraine & Telep, Trisha

[en] Harry Potter's Bookshelf Berkley Books

[es] La línea negra Debolsillo

Grangé, Jean-Christophe

[es] El imperio de los lobos Debolsillo

Grangé, Jean-Christophe