[de] Höllensturz und Hoffnung Lau-Verlag
[en] Dark Expanse · Surviving the Collapse Deorc Enterprise
[en] 34 - Blaze of Glory Pocket Books
[en] 26 - The Romulan Prize Pocket Books.
[de] 101 London - Geheimtipps und Top-Ziele Iwanowski Verlag
[en] A Party With Socialists in It: A History of the Labour Left Pluto Press
[en] Blackthorn Bold Strokes Books
[en] A Pair of Nuts on the Throne Bowman Press
[hu] Egyszemélyes törzs I. - Kitaszított Onigiri Library Project
[hu] Egyszemélyes törzs II. - Fürkész Onigiri Library Project
[en] Ragadozo 2.
[en] Nights When Nothing Happened, A Novel Penguin Publishing Group
[en] Foxtrot Hotel (Harriet Walsh Book 4) Bowman Press
[en] Arts Therapies and Sexual Offending Jessica Kingsley Publishers
[en] OnSpec_Summer2014__Issue97_vol 26_no2 The Copper Pig Writers' Society
[en] The Uses of Literacy Routledge
[en] [Doctor Who · Eighth Doctor Adventures 50] • Grimm Reality BBC Books