[en] [The Mitzy Neuhaus Mysteries 01] • Foreclosed Traci Tyne Hilton
[en] [The Mitzy Neuhaus Mysteries 02] • Eminent Domain Traci Tyne Hilton
[en] End of the Road Raptor Retreat Press
[en] Killer Heels Proverbs 31 House
[en] Bright New Murder Proverbs 31 House Publishing
[en] [Tillgiven 02] • Dark and Stormy Createspace Independent Publishing Platform
[en] [Plain Jane Mysteries 01] • Good, Clean Murder Proverbs 31 House LLC
[en] [Plain Jane Mystery 04] • Health, Wealth, and Murder Proverbs 31 House LLC
[en] [Tillgiven 01] • Hard to Find Proverbs 31 House
[en] [Plain Jane Mystery 08] • Criminal Company Proverbs 31 House
[en] [Plain Jane Mystery 05] • Spoiled Rotten Murder Proverbs 31 House LLC
[en] [Mitzy Neuhaus 03] • Buyer's Remorse CreateSpace
[en] [A Plain Jane Mystery 06] • Killer Honeymoon Proverbs 31 House
[en] [Plain Jane Mysteries 03] • Bright New Murder Proverbs 31 House LLC
[en] [Plain Jane Mystery 07] • Killer Calling Proverbs 31 House, LLC
[en] [Mitzy Neuhaus 04] • Frozen Assets CreateSpace
[en] [Plain Jane Mysteries 02] • Dirty Little Murder Proverbs 31 House LLC
[en] [Plain Jane Mystery 05] • Spoiled Rotten Murder · A Plain Jane Mystery (The Plain Jane Mysteries Book 5) Proverbs 31 House LLC