[it] Mao Zedong È Arrabbiato Feltrinelli
[en] [Harvard Cold War Studies 01] • China Learns From the Soviet Union, 1949–Present Lexington Books
[en] The April 3rd Incident, Stories Pantheon Books
[en] Boy in the Twilight Pantheon
[en] Boy in the Twilight · Stories of the Hidden China Pantheon
[de] Die sieben letzten Tage Fischer E-Books
[en] China in Ten Words Vintage
[en] The Past & the Punishments University of Hawaii Press
[it] [兄弟 [Xiong Di] 01] • Brothers (Italian Edition) Feltrinelli
[it] La Cina in Dieci Parole Feltrinelli
[en] China in Ten Words Vintage
[da] Råb I Støvregn Klim
[en] [Harvard Cold War Studies 01] • Mao and the Economic Stalinization of China, 1948–1953 Rowman & Littlefield Publishers
[en] The Seventh Day Pantheon
[fr] La Chine en Dix Mots Babel
[es] Crónica De Un Vendedor De Sangre Seix Barral
[en] Chronicle of a Blood Merchant Anchor