Found 35 books

[en] The Blackbirder Feminist Press

Hughes, Dorothy B.

[en] Dread Journey Road

Hughes, Dorothy B.

[en] The Expendable Man NYRB Classics

Hughes, Dorothy B.

[en] In a Lonely Place Penguin Books Ltd

Dorothy B. Hughes

[es] L’ocell caigut ePubLibre

Hughes, Dorothy B.

[en] Johnnie Road

Hughes, Dorothy B.

[en] Candy Kid Road

Hughes, Dorothy B.

[en] Scarlet Imperial Road

Hughes, Dorothy B.

[es] En Un Lugar Solitario Gatopardo

Hughes, Dorothy B.

[en] Ride the Pink Horse Road

Hughes, Dorothy B.

[en] [Griselda Satterlee 01] • So Blue Marble Road

Hughes, Dorothy B.

[en] Fallen Sparrow Road

Hughes, Dorothy B.

[en] Delicate Ape Road

Hughes, Dorothy B.

[en] Davidian Report Road

Hughes, Dorothy B.

[en] Cross-Eyed Bear Murders Road

Hughes, Dorothy B.

[en] In a Lonely Place The Feminist Press at CUNY

Hughes, Dorothy B.

[es] [Valdemar: Los Archivos de Baker Street 07] • Las nuevas aventuras de Sherlock Holmes ePubLibre

Hardwick, Mollie & Lutz, John & Kaminsky, Stuart M. & Ruse, Gary Alan & Hoch, Edward D. & Breen, Jon L. & Harrison, Michael & Jones, Barry & Harrington, Joyce & Estleman, Loren D. & Gilbert, Michael & Hughes, Dorothy B. & Lovesey, Peter & Torre, Lilian de la & Wellen, Edward & King, Stephen & Gardner, John

[en] A Century of Noir • 32 Classic Crime Stories Signet Book

Himes, Chester & Daly, Carroll John & DAVIS, NORBERT & Brackett, Leigh & Brown, Fredric & Mcgivern, William P. & MacDonald, John D. & Cain, James M. & Macdonald, Ross & Brewer, Gil & Goodis, David & Spillane, Mickey & Westlake, Donald E. & Powell, Talmage & Hughes, Dorothy B. & Marlowe, Stephen & Prather, Richard S. & Lutz, John & Hunter, Evan & Estleman, Loren D. & Kaminsky, Stuart M. & Gault, William Campbell & Muller, Marcia & Randisi, Robert J. & Gorman, Ed & Jakes, John & Block, Lawrence & Paretsky, Sara & Pronzini, Bill & Matera, Lia & Collins, Max Allan & Schutz, Benjamin M.