[en] The Centurions Canelo Digital Publishing Ltd
[en] The Legions of the Mist Canelo Adventure
[en] [The Centurions 03] • The Emperor's Games Canelo Adventure
[en] Birds of Prey Canelo Adventure
[en] The Wall at the Edge of the World: an unputdownable adventure in the Roman Empire Canelo Digital Publishing Ltd
[es] [Hawthorne House 02] • La dama de Hawthorne Libros de Seda
[en] [The Centurions 01] • The Centurions Trilogy Canelo
[es] [Hawthorne House 04] • La Dama De Riverton Libros de Seda
[en] The Emperor's Games Canelo Digital Publishing Ltd
[en] The Wall at the Edge of the World Canelo Digital Publishing Ltd
[it] [The Seducers 07] • Dama Del Peccato Mondadori
[es] [Hawthorne House 01] • Por fin en Marshington Abbey Libros de Seda
[en] [Images of America: Indiana 01] • Albion and Noble County Arcadia Publishing
[es] [The Bridal Pleasures 01] • La Tentanción De Un Duque Titania (Ediciones Urano)
[es] [Haven Manor 1.50] • Legado De Amor Libros de Seda
[de] [Historical - Gold 211] • [Boscastle Clan 04] • Ein Ballnachtstraum CORA Verlag GmbH & Co. KG