[hu] Horzsolások Agave
[hu] [The Divine Cities 03] • Csodák városa Agave
[en] [Founders 01] • Foundryside Crown/Archetype
[de] Die Stadt der tausend Treppen Bastei/Lübbe Verlag
[en] The Tainted Cup Random House Worlds
[fr] La cité des miracles Albin Michel
[en] [The Founders Trilogy 01] • Foundryside Crown
[fr] tLa Cité des Marches
[fr] La cité des lames Albin Michel
[de] Die goettlichen Staedte 02 - Die Stadt der toten Klingen Bastei Entertainment
[hu] Pengék városa
[hu] Horzsolások
[hu] [The Divine Cities 02] • Pengék városa Agave
[cs] [The Divine Cities 01] • Město schodů HOST
[fr] [The Founders Trilogy 01] • Les maîtres enlumineurs Albin Michel
[en] [The Divine Cities 02] • City of Blades Broadway Books
[en] The Troupe Orbit