Found 6 books

[en] Structure and Interpretation of Computer Programs MIT Press

Harold Abelson and Gerald Jay Sussman with Julie Sussman

[en] Shadows & Reflections · A Roger Zelazny Tribute Anthology Positronic Publishing

Zelazny, Roger & Zelazny, Shannon & Brust, Steven & McCullough, Kelly & Rich, Mark & Lindskold, Jane & Clairval, Gio & McFadden III, Edward J. & Perry, Steve & Hausman, Gerald & Lapine, Warren & Krulik, Theodore & Watt-Evans, Lawrence & Hanson, Michael H. & Lewitt, Shariann & O'Connell, Jay

[pt] Ensino de história · usos do passado, memória e mídia

Magalhães,Marcelo de Souza & Rocha,Helenice Aparecida Bastos & Ciambarella, Alessandra & Ribeiro,Jayme Fernandes