[en] [Beyond Ever After 01] • The Real Folktale Blues CreateSpace
[en] [Ryan Drake 02] • Sacrifice Random House UK
[en] [Paradise 01] • Master of Temptation Random House
[en] Stealth Raiders Random House Australia
[en] [The Wheel of Time 12] • 12 The Gathering Storm Tom Doherty Associates TOR Fantasy
[en] WOT 01 · the Eye of the World Demco Media
[en] [The Wheel of Time #1 pt. 2/2 01] • To the Blight · The Eye of the World Turtleback Books
[en] [The Wheel of Time 12] • The Gathering Storm (Wheel of Time) Tor Books
[en] [The Wheel of Time 12] • The Gathering Storm Orbit
[en] A crown of swords T. Doherty Associates
[en] [The Wheel of Time 00] • New Spring · the Novel Tor Books
[en] [The Wheel of Time 02] • 02 The Great Hunt Tor Books
[en] [The Wheel of Time 13] • Towers of Midnight Tom Doherty Associates TOR Fantasy
[fr] [La Roue du Temps 12] • L'illusion fatale Rivages
[en] [The Wheel of Time 11] • Knife of Dreams · Book Eleven of 'The Wheel of Time' Tom Doherty Associates