Found 52 books

[en] Preposterous Virgil Bloomsbury

Juan Christian Pellicer

[en] Ancient Astronomy · India, Egypt, China, Maya, Inca, Aztec, Greece, Rome, Genesis, Hebrews, Christians, the Neolithic and Paleolithic Cosmology Science Publishers

Belmonte, Juan Antonio & Kragh, Helge & Pankenier, David W. & Campion, Nicholas & da Silva, Cândido Marciano & Gullberg, Steven R. & Iwaniszewski, Stanisław & Kak, Subhash & Aggarwal, Yash & Malville, J. McKim

[en] Judaizing Jesus · Radical Jewish Approaches to Christianity Independently Published

Gutierrez, Juan Marcos Bejarano

[de] Jul-Zauber (German Edition) Main Verlag

Juan Santiago & Lea Marie Cruse & Magdalena Fritz & Gepo Lynx & Damon Turner & Lucius Angelus & Cardon Wârtain & Christel Scheja & Mieko aus der Heide & Christian Kathan

[es] Legendarium ePubLibre

Mourin, Iván & Jasso, David & Villán, Ángel & López, Pedro L. & Botey, Nuria C. & Alabau, Anna Morgana & Jiménez, Tony & Cosnava, Javier & Delgado, María & Edroso, Juan Ángel Laguna & Infiesta, Ana Morán & López, Gervasio & Serrano, Rubén & Dsagan, Raelana & Cortado, Víctor Morata & Fernández, Luisa & Castillo, J. J. & Jordá, Carolina Pastor & Zumel, Pedro Escudero & Moscardó, Javier Pellicer & Martínez, José Luis Cantos & Argente, Cristina Puig & Marugán, David & Montagud, Elena & Pereira, José Alberto Arias & Álvarez, Mikel Rodríguez & Caramazana, Julián Sánchez

[en] Secret Jews · the Complex Identity of Crypto-Jews and Crypto-Judaism Createspace Independent Publishing Platform

Gutierrez, Juan Marcos Bejarano

[en] The Karaites · and the Question of Jewish Identity Yaron Publishing

Gutierrez, Juan Marcos Bejarano

[en] Jewish Conquistadors in the New World · the Early Years Yaron Publishing

Gutierrez, Juan Marcos Bejarano

[es] Las Mil Vidas Del Profesor Bonham Juan Luis Ortiz Hidalgo

Hidalgo, Juan Luis Ortiz

[en] The a to Z of Medieval Philosophy and Theology Scarecrow Press

Brown, Stephen F. & Flores, Juan Carlos

[en] Count Julian Serpent's Tail

Goytisolo, Juan