[en] When the Facts Change · Essays 1995 - 2010 William Heinemann
[en] When the Facts Change · Essays, 1995-2010 Penguin Press
[en] Reappraisals Penguin
[en] The Memory Chalet Penguin Books
[en] The Burden of Responsibility · Blum, Camus, Aron, and the French Twentieth Century University of Chicago Press
[en] A Grand Illusion? · an Essay on Europe New York University Press
[en] Thinking the Twentieth Century Heinemann
[en] Ill Fares the Land Penguin Books
[pt] Quando Os Fatos Mudam · Ensaios 1995-2010 Objetiva
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[pt] Pós-Guerra - História Da Europa Desde 1945 Edições 70
[pt] Pós Guerra · Uma História Da Europa Desde 1945 Editora Objetiva
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