[en] The Dogs of God Theogony Books
[en] [Libri Valoris 01] • When Valor Must Hold New Mythology Press
[en] [The Revelations Cycle 05] • A Fistful of Credits Seventh Seal Press
[en] Recover to Live · Kick Any Habit, Manage Any Addiction BenBella Books
[en] [The Revelations Cycle 05] • A Fistful of Credits · Stories from the Four Horsemen Universe Seventh Seal Press
[en] When Your Partner Has an Addiction BenBella Books
[en] What Addicts Know BenBella Books
[en] Salvage Conquest · Tales from the Salvage Title Universe Theogony Books
[en] Trouble in the Wind (The Phases of Mars Book 3) Theogony Books
[en] [The Fallen World 03] • From the Ashes Blood Moon Press
[en] [The Revelations Cycle 08] • The Good, the Bad, and the Merc Seventh Seal Press
[en] Moments of Clarity William Morrow Paperbacks
[en] [Collected Horror Shorts 02] • Collected Easter Horror Shorts Kevin J. Kennedy
[en] Riding the Red Horse Castalia House
[de] [Koalition 11] • Es Braucht Alle Arten CKP International
[en] From the Ashes: Stories from The Fallen World Blood Moon Press
[de] Bergung Eroberung: Ein Bergungstitel Universum Buch (Die Koalition 2) CKP International
[de] Eine Handvoll Kredite CKP International
[en] Making Midcentury Modern Gibbs Smith