Found 33 books

[en] Trouble in the Wind (The Phases of Mars Book 3) Theogony Books

Kennedy, Chris & Young, James & Anderson, Taylor & Hoyt, Sarah & Stirling, S.M. & Torgersen, Brad & Anderson, Kevin & Ikenberry, Kevin & Weber, David & Nuttall, Christopher

[en] [The Phases of Mars 02] • To Slip the Surly Bonds (The Phases of Mars Book 2) Theogony Books

Kennedy, Chris & Young, James & Presby, Joelle & Doyle, Patrick & Howell, Rob & Hoyt, Sarah A. & Fox, Richard & Nuttall, Christopher G. & Anderson, Taylor & Ezell, Kacey

[en] [Libri Valoris 01] • When Valor Must Hold New Mythology Press

Kennedy, Chris & Woods, Christopher & Nuttall, Christopher & Webb, William & Roberts, William & Smith, Benjamin & Howell, Rob & Hoyt, Sarah & Steverson, Kevin & Ackerman, Tyler

[en] Forgotten Ones · Drabbles of Myth and Legend Eerie River Publishing

Raveenthiran, Abiran & Provance, Al & Al-Hazred & Sampaio, Alice de & Simpson, Amber M. & Dill, Andra & Anderson, Andrew & Leavy, Andy & Wycoff, Ann & May, Arnie & Rosenberger, Brian & Dyke, Bryan & Hultman, C. Marry & Pearce, Callum & Reis, Charles & O'Farrell, Charlotte & Bannor, Chris & Hewitt, Chris & Foster, Clint & Brown, David A.F. & DeBickel & Dunn, Derek & Springate, Dickon & Starling, Drew & Olausson, Elin & Nettleton, Elizabeth & Leadley, Emma K. & Pierce, Faith & Williamson, Fred & Balcom, Gabriella & Trefil, Galina & Hulbert, Hannah & Willits, Heidi Ann & Wolfcastle, Heinrich von & Herz, Henry & Cornetto, Holley & LaCross, Hunter & Wilkos, Jacek & Fulscher, Jaclyn & Bates, James & Chichester, Jen & Winters, Jennifer & Rhodes, Jess & Scipione, Joe & Hunt, Joel R. & Herz, Josh & Borgmann, Joshua E. & Elijah, K. B. & Nox, K.R. & Tate, K.T. & Heslop, Karen & Glidewell, Kase & Halecki, Kathleen & Black, Kerry E.B. & Kennedy, Kevin J. & Plasket, Kim & Rei, Kimberly & Sullivan, Laurence & Hernandez, LP & Smith, Mark Anthony & Kodama, Mark & Lucas, Matt & Clarke, Matthew A & Grace, Melody & Nadeau, Michael D. & River, Michelle & Brown, N.M. & Kemraj, Nerisha & Moore, Nick & Covo, Noa & Armstrong, Paddy & Elliott, Patricia & Benkendorfer, Paul & Kenney, Regina & Braid, Robin & Davis, Ron & Smeaton, Russell & Rosenberry, Ryan & Morgan, S. C. & Butchers, Sandy & Matthews, Sarah & Jones, Sean & Woodbury, Sheldon & McIntosh, Stacey Jaine & Stred, Steve & Lea, T.J. & Wake, Thomas & Friesenhahn, Timothy & Ulven, Tor-Anders & Cheairs, Wendy & Much, Willem V & Escobar, Ximena & Glasgow, Yvonne & Xolton, Zoey

[en] [The World of Shijuren 01] • Those in Peril Aesc & Thorn Publishing

Kennedy, Chris & Young, James & Ezell, Kacey & Simmons, Stephen & Presby, Joelle & Wohlrab, Philip & Al-Mohamed, Day & Stroock, William & Howell, Rob & Hoyt, Sarah

[en] Scarlet Stiletto - The First Cut • Sisters in Crime Australia Clan Destine Press

Bent, Roxxy & Bevege, Margaret & Bird, Ronda & Blake, Bronwyn & Cameron, Liz & Connor, Louise & Evans, Sarah & Filleul, Liz & Gray, Dianne & Horwood, Jacqui & Kennedy, Cate & Lee, Christina & Moss, Tara & Mullany, Siobhan & Munnery, Kerry & O'Regan, Phyl & Penhallurick, Ann & Pennicott, Josephine & Pollock, Margaret & Simpson, Inga & Spehr, Janis & Waight, Julie & Lindy Cameron

[es] The Grateful Soul · The Art And Practice Of Gratitude As You Wish Publishing

Schaefer, Kyra & Voth, Allison & King, Amy I. & Joannette-White, Anne & Angelou, Anne Foster & Cavanagh, AJ & Koon, Becki & Gregory, Bilge & Bensinger, Brooke & Jelly, Carmen & Mackey, Carolyn & Cates, Catherine & Ullett, Chantalle & Leeby, Dr. Cheralyn & Peterson, Cheryl & Mallory, Cindy & Purcell, Darby & Helsel, Debbie & Kahnen, Debra & Kiel, Donna & Welty, Dorothy & Smith, Douglas Roland & Raprager, Elicia & Cerhus, Evyh & Shaviri, Felicia & Rush, GG & Redman, Grace & Mihai, Iulia & Hart, Jae & Garcia, Jaime Lee & Masters, James & JamieLynn & Wilson, Jan & Berryhill, Jane & Welton, Jeannine & Gabler, Karen & Eriksen, Kathryn & Seymour, Kathryn & Elliott, Katie & Anne, Katye & Sorenson, Kayela & Miller, KC & II, Kenneth I. Laws & Purcell, Kim & Macy, Kit & Blakeway, Kristi & Sadowski, Lindsey & Start, Lindy Chaffin & Nielsen, Lori & Morris, Maggie & Rosenberg, Marci Zeisel & McGonigal, Maria & Oldenstadt, Megan & Ryan, Michelle & Newsom-James, Nicole & Vincent, Noella & Walls, Patricia & Meyer, Paula & Lee, Rhonda & Escalante, Rina & Allaire, Rollie & Bourassa, Rose & Gaudet, Roxane & Hamblin, Sara & Gabler, Sarah & Madison, Sharyn & Elliott-Yeary, Sherri & Rochon, Suzanne & Harmony, Suzanne & Hopkins, Tammy & Ijai, Tara & Workman, Thomas & Dubec, Tiffany & Featherston, Dr. Tonya & Plimley, Vanessa & Yu, Wendy

[en] Memento Mori Digital Horror Fiction

Lockhart, Bruce & Holden, William & Scarsella, Vincent L. & McBride, Tracie & Dunham, T. Fox & Billings, Steve & Hans, Sarah & Rose, Martin & Peever, Lydia & Cain, Kenneth W. & Goldman, Ken & McIlveen, John & Graham, Jean & Shipley, Jonathan & Moeschet, Cathy & Cunningham, Elaine & Brozek, Jennifer & Norris, Gregory L. & Ludens, Adrian & Power, Gary & Wilburn, Jay & Pratt, Essel & Helm, G. Lloyd & Holmes, Carly & Carruthers, Elsa M. & Soule, Daniel & Neugebauer, Annie & Wallace, Dusty & Hemphill, J.C.

[en] [Women of the West 02] • Wagon Train Sisters Kensington Publishing Corporation

Kennedy, Shirley

[en] The Threat--3 Book Box Set Mills & Boon Special Release

[en] SEALs of Winter · A Military Romance Superbundle SOS Ladies

Seton, Cora & Kennedy, Elle & Marsh, Anne & James, Elle & Lowery, Jennifer & Butler, S.M. & Devlin, Delilah & Troutte, Kimberley & York, Zoe

[en] [Delta Force Unleashed 01] • Payback CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform

Kennedy, J. Robert

[en] [The Phases of Mars 03] • Trouble in the Wind Theogony Books

Kennedy, Chris & Young, James