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[en] Claimed by the Billionaire the Billionaire #1 Other Editions (2) //<![CDATA[ var newTip = new Tip($('edition_18907953'), "<div class=\'editionTitle\'>\nClaimed by the Billionaire (Claimed by the Billionaire, #1) \n<\/div>\n<div class=\'editionInfo\'>\n<\/div>\n<div class=\'editionInfo\'>\n<\/div>\n<div class=\'editionInfo\'>\nasin: B008O7A3N0\n<\/div>\n<div class=\'editionInfo\'>\nformat: Kindle Edition\n<\/div>\n<div class=\'editionInfo\'>\nPublished\nDecember 14th 2013\nby \n<\/div>\n<div class=\'enlargeCover\' id=\'edition_18907953_enlarge\'>\n<a>\nEnlarge cover\n<\/a>\n<\/div>\n<div class=\'editionCover\' id=\'edition_18907953_enlarge_cover\' style=\'display: none;\'>\n<img src=\"https://images.gr-assets.com/books/1409227535l/18907953.jpg\" alt=\"18907953\" />\n<\/div>\n<div class=\'editionAction\'>\n<div class=\'wtrButtonContainer wtrSignedOut\' id=\'3_book_18907953\'>\n<div class=\'wtrUp wtrLeft\'>\n<form action=\"/shelf/add_to_shelf\" accept-charset=\"UTF-8\" method=\"post\"><input name=\"utf8\" type=\"hidden\" value=\"\" /><input type=\"hidden\" name=\"authenticity_token\" value=\"4AYpJ+AhHeu+nB5aOGUdcSx1SHKwAs+Lg/Tu2N0U05oUBPJl6zthSvJGgt/WcG7sny5S1QhjSpVS9XreE4SsVA==\" />\n<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"book_id\" id=\"book_id\" value=\"18907953\" />\n<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"name\" id=\"name\" value=\"to-read\" />\n<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"unique_id\" id=\"unique_id\" value=\"3_book_18907953\" />\n<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"wtr_new\" id=\"wtr_new\" value=\"true\" />\n<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"from_choice\" id=\"from_choice\" value=\"false\" />\n<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"from_home_module\" id=\"from_home_module\" value=\"false\" />\n<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"ref\" id=\"ref\" value=\"\" class=\"wtrLeftUpRef\" />\n<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"existing_review\" id=\"existing_review\" value=\"false\" class=\"wtrExisting\" />\n<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"page_url\" id=\"page_url\" />\n<button class=\'wtrToRead\' type=\'submit\'>\n<span class=\'progressTrigger\'>Want to Read<\/span>\n<span class=\'progressIndicator\'>saving…<\/span>\n<\/button>\n<\/form>\n\n<\/div>\n\n<div class=\'wtrRight wtrUp\'>\n<form class=\"hiddenShelfForm\" action=\"/shelf/add_to_shelf\" accept-charset=\"UTF-8\" method=\"post\"><input name=\"utf8\" type=\"hidden\" value=\"\" /><input type=\"hidden\" name=\"authenticity_token\" value=\"rTiQRobo+jPjWWSkKngpSECD+/Y98jV2cbb4b3rlAXZZOksEjfKGkq+D+CHEbVrV89jhUYWTsGigt2xptHV+uA==\" />\n<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"unique_id\" id=\"unique_id\" value=\"3_book_18907953\" />\n<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"book_id\" id=\"book_id\" value=\"18907953\" />\n<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"a\" id=\"a\" />\n<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"name\" id=\"name\" />\n<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"from_choice\" id=\"from_choice\" value=\"false\" />\n<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"from_home_module\" id=\"from_home_module\" value=\"false\" />\n<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"page_url\" id=\"page_url\" />\n<\/form>\n\n<button class=\'wtrShelfButton\'><\/button>\n<\/div>\n\n<div class=\'ratingStars wtrRating\'>\n<div class=\'starsErrorTooltip hidden\'>\nError rating book. 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