Found 9 books

[en] Women's Wiles Mystery Writers of America

Harrington, Joyce & Cohen, Stanley & Collins, Dorothy A. & Davis, Dorothy Salisbury & Deming, Richard & Dunlap, Susan & Ellin, Stanley & Hershman, Morris & Hershey, Kathleen & Hoch, Edward D. & Millar, Margaret & Moore, Richard A. & Pachter, Josh & Richter, Joan & Sisk, Frank & Treat, Lawrence & Woolrich, Cornell & Yaffe, James

[en] The Lady Sleuths MEGAPACK ™ · 20 Modern and Classic Tales of Female Detectives Wildside Press

Pirkis, Catherine Louisa & Law, Janice & Rusch, Kristine Kathryn & Green, Anna Katharine & Nelscott, Kris

[en] A Seductive Revenge Harlequin Mills and Boon

[en] Nightfall Duncurra LLC