[en] Algebra & Geometry CRC Press
[en] Penumbra No. 2 (2021) · A Journal of Weird Fiction and Criticism Hippocampus Press
[en] The Zen of Being Grumpy Connor Court Publishing Pty Ltd
[en] Played to Death Crimetime Press
[en] Penumbra No. 2 (2021): A Journal of Weird Fiction and Criticism Hippocampus Press
[en] The Battle for Room Service Pan Books (UK)
[en] Nate Armstrong and the Death Ray of Sultron Palmer Higgs
[en] The Allegations Picador
[en] Why was the Partridge in the Pear Tree? History Press (SC)
[pt] Cinco dias Edições Asa
[de] [Wölfe Von Forest Grove 03] • Herrschaft der Wölfin Thorn House Publishing Inc
[es] Virgen y otros relatos Anagrama
[en] [Boys of Preston Prep 04] • Devil Incarnate Amazon Digital Services
[en] [Scott Drayco Mystery Series 03] • Dies Irae Crimetime Press