Found 5 books

[en] Deity, Mantra, and Wisdom · Development Stage Meditation in Tibetan Buddhist Tantra Snow Lion Publications

Lingpa, Jigme & Chokdrub, Getse Mahapandita Tsewang & Rinpoche, Trulshik & Nyima, Chokyi & Dharmachakra Translation Committee & Doctor, Andreas & Dahl, Cortland

[en] Treasury of Precious Qualities · Revised edition Shambhala

Lingpa, Jigme & Rinpoche, Kyabje Kangyur

[en] The Gathering of Vidyadharas Snow Lion Publications

[en] The Gathering of Vidyadharas · Text and Commentaries on the Rigdzin Düpa Snow Lion Publications

Lingpa, Jigme & Rinpoche, Patrul & Chemchok, Khenpo