Found 4 books

[en] The Unbounded Mind Oxford University Press, USA

Mitroff, Ian I. & Linstone, Harold A.

[en] Decision Making for Technology Executives Artech House Publishers

Harold & Linstone, A.

[es] Desde las fronteras de la mente femenina Ultramar

Green, Jen & LeFanu, Sarah & Saxton, Josephine & Elphinstone, Margaret & Russ, Joanna & Jones, Gwyneth & Ireland, Baverly & Lee, Tanith & Battley, Lannah & Zoline, Pamela A. & Gentle, Mary & Gapper, Frances & McNeill, Pearlie & Tuttle, Lisa & Mitchison, Naomi & Fairbairns, Zoe & Casdagli, Penny & Sheldon, Raccoona & Thomason, Sue

[fr] The Glass Slipper Dorchester Publishing

Johnston, Linda O.