[en] [Chauncey Means Thriller 01] • A Hard Place Sean Lynch
[en] [Farrell and Kearns 03] • Officer Involved Sean Lynch
[en] [The Guns of Samuel Pritchard 02] • Cottonmouth Pinnacle Books
[en] [The Guns of Samuel Pritchard 01] • Death Rattle Pinnacle Books
[en] [Farrell and Kearns 01] • Wounded Prey Exhibit A
[en] [Farrell and Kearns 02] • The Fourth Motive Osprey Publishing
[cs] [Gentleman Bastard 01] • Lži Lockeho Lamory Laser-books
[en] Inglés Coloquial · Cómo entender la música y las películas en inglés Rokeby Lynch
[fr] Face Au Vent Gallmeister