Found 6 books

[fr] [La Pensée politique 01] • Situations de la démocratie Hautes Études, Seuil-Gallimard

Manent, Pierre & Rosanvallon, Pierre & Gauchet, Marcel

[en] Natural Law and Human Rights University of Notre Dame Press

Manent, Pierre

[en] Tocqueville and the Nature of Democracy Rowman & Littlefield Publishers

Manent, Pierre

[en] Modern Liberty and Its Discontents Rowman & Littlefield Publishers

Manent, Pierre.,Mahoney, Daniel J.,Seaton, Paul.

[fr] Montaigne Flammarion

Manent, Pierre

[en] Solidarity and the Crisis of Trust European Solidarity Centre

Avineri, Shlomo & Gray, John & Krastev, Ivan & Lash, Scott & Manent, Pierre & Sloterdijk, Peter & Staniszkis, Jadwiga & Vattimo, Gianni