[en] [Acadia Studies in Bible and Theology 01] • Beyond the Bible Baker Academic
[en] New Testament Theology · Many Witnesses, One Gospel IVP Academic
[en] [Tyndale New Testament Commentaries 01] • Acts IVP Academic
[en] The Art and Practice of Leadership Coaching Wiley
[en] Petrostate ·Putin, Power, and the New Russia Oxford University Press, USA
[en] Petrostate · Putin, Power, and the New Russia Oxford University Press, USA
[en] Stories William Morrow
Gaiman, Neil & Doyle, Roddy & Oates, Joyce Carol & Harris, Joanne & Smith, Michael Marshall & Lansdale, Joe R. & Mosley, Walter & Adams, Richard & Picoult, Jodi & Swanwick, Michael & Straub, Peter & Block, Lawrence & Ford, Jeffrey & Palahniuk, Chuck & Jones, Diana Wynne & O’Nan, Stewart & Wolfe, Gene & Parkhurst & Howard, Kat & Carroll, Jonathan & Deaver, Jeffery & Powers, Tim & Sarrantonio, Al & Andersen, Kurt & Moorcock, Michael & Hand, Elizabeth & Hill, Joe
[es] Aventuras marxistas Siglo XXI Ediciones
[en] The Medic's Homecoming Harlequin
[en] Believe Bigger Howard Books