[en] Poor Man's Sky Baen
[en] Rich Man's Sky Baen
[en] Antediluvian Baen
[en] [The Queendom of Sol 01] • The Collapsium Bantam
[en] Hacking Matter Basic Books
[es] [The Queendom of Sol 01] • El Colapsio LA FACTORÍA DE IDEAS
[en] [The Queendom of Sol 02] • The Wellstone Spectra
[en] [The Queendom of Sol 03] • Lost in Transmission Spectra Books
[en] [The Queendom of Sol 04] • To Crush the Moon Spectra Books
[de] [Sol 03] • Die Kolonie des Königs Heyne, Wilhelm Verlag
[de] [Sol 02] • Die Rebellion des Prinzen Heyne, Wilhelm Verlag
[en] Flies From the Amber Roc
[en] [Lightspeed - SF & Fantasy 27] • Lightspeed Magazine Issue 27 John Joseph Adams
[en] Aggressor Six Roc
[en] The Fall of Sirius Roc
[en] Boundary Condition
[de] [Sol 01] • Der Schöpfer der Ewigkeit Heyne, Wilhelm Verlag