[fr] Sur L'érotique Mystique Indienne L'Herne
[ro] Domnișoara Christina Litera
[ro] Pe Strada Mîntuleasa Humanitas
[ro] La Umbra Unui Crin… Editura Fundației Culturale Române
[en] The Myth of the Eternal Return Princeton University Press
[it] Miti, Sogni E Misteri Rusconi
[es] Relatos Fantásticos Kairos
[en] Tales of the Sacred and the Supernatural Westminster John Knox Press
[it] Trattato di storia delle religioni Bollati Boringhieri
[es] Mito Y Realidad Labor Publications Inc
[en] The Sacred and the Profane · the Nature of Religion Harcourt Brace Jovanovich
[pt] Bosque Proibido Ulisseia
[de] Schamanismus und archaische Ekstasetechnik Suhrkamp
[en] Rites and Symbols of Initiation · The Mysteries of Birth and Rebirth Spring Publications
[fr] Les routes de l'Inde Smashwords Edition
[hu] [Kozmosz (KFK) 52] • Különös kalandok Kozmosz Könyvek
[pt] O Sagrado E O Profano Martins Fontes