[de] 24 Days of Queer@venthologie Independently published
Angel, Neschka & Bélier, Jay & Berg, Moritz & Brand, Lena M. & Burg, Chrissy & Cavanagh, Màili & Corsten, Barbara & Delon, Ashan & Duval, Marcel & Emerald, Kaiden & Lundberg, Svea & Mahrenholz, Jobst & Mayes, Elian & Monroe, Kay & Oscuro, Gabriele & Rees, Lex Aron & Reeves, Jayden V. & Rolls, Chris P. & Thomas, Tristan & Weiherhof, Marc & Winter, B.D. & Winter, Maya
[de] Spiegelungen: 8 Spiegel-Storys Kuschelgang
[en] [Monkey with a Tool Belt 01] • Monkey With a Tool Belt and the Seaside Shenanigans Carolrhoda Books (R)
[en] [Monkey with a Tool Belt 01] • Monkey With a Tool Belt and the Silly School Mystery Carolrhoda Books (R)
[en] [Monkey with a Tool Belt 01] • Monkey With a Tool Belt and the Maniac Muffins Carolrhoda Books (R)
[de] Stadtgefühle: 9 Städtereisen (German Edition) Kuschelgang
[de] Gärten der Liebe · 11 blühende Storys Kuschelgang