Found 124 books

[en] The Year's best mystery and suspense stories, 1990 New York : Walker

Edward D. 1930- Hoch & Jack. Phantom pistol Adrian & Douglas. Star pupil Allyn & Brendan. Fire burning bright DuBois & Antonia. Moon was to blame Fraser & Ruth. Ted Bundy's father Graviros & Holt, Connie. Hawks & Peter. Haunted crescent Lovesey & Marcia. Silent night Muller & Shizuko. Love motel Natsuki & Elizabeth. Locked tomb mystery Peters & James. Dirge for clowntown Powell & Ruth 1930- Pair of yellow lilies Rendell & Harry. Possession Slesar & Westlake, Donald E. & Adrian, Jack. Phantom pistol & Allyn, Douglas. Star pupil & DuBois, Brendan. Fire burning bright & Fraser, Antonia. Moon was to blame & Graviros, Ruth. Ted Bundy's father & Lovesey, Peter. Haunted crescent & Muller, Marcia. Silent night & Natsuki, Shizuko. Love motel & Peters, Elizabeth. Locked tomb mystery & Powell, James. Dirge for clowntown & Slesar, Harry. Possession

[en] [Sharon McCone 30] • The Night Searchers Grand Central Publishing

Muller, Marcia

[en] [Sharon McCone 17] • Both Ends of the Night Grand Central Publishing

Muller, Marcia

[en] [Ellery Queen's Mystery Magazine 793] • Ellery Queen’s Mystery Magazine. Vol. 130, No. 3 & 4. Whole No. 793 & 794, September/October 2007 Dell Magazines

Andrews, Donna & Barsotti, Mark & Benedict, Laura & Block, Lawrence & Carter, Scott William & Estleman, Loren D. & Gorman, Ed & Herron, Mick & Hoch, Edward D. & Howard, Clark & Hutchings, Janet & Kohler, Sheila & Law, Janice & Muller, Marcia & Myers, Amy & Powell, James & Pronzini, Bill & Soto, Marc R. & Tolnay, Tom

[en] Deadly Housewives (V5) (Epub) William Morrow Paperbacks

Muller, Marcia

[en] [Sharon McCone 32] • The Color of Fear Grand Central Publishing

Muller, Marcia

[es] [Etiqueta Negra 87] • Doble ePubLibre

Pronzini, Bill & Muller, Marcia

[en] The Lighthouse Carroll & Graf Publishers

Bill Pronzini, Marcia Muller

[en] [John Quincannon 02] • Beyond the Grave Jq-2 Carroll & Graf

Pronzini, Bill & Muller, Marcia

[en] The Deadly Arts (1985) Anthology Arbor House Pub Co

Pronzini, Bill & Muller, Marcia

[en] [Sharon McCone 25] • Burn Out Grand Central Publishing

Muller, Marcia

[en] Detective Duos (1997) Anthology

Pronzini, Marcia Muller & Bill

[en] [Sharon McCone 33] • The Breakers Grand Central Publishing

Muller, Marcia

[en] Deadly Anniversaries Hanover Square Press

Muller, Marcia & Pronzini, Bill

[en] Somewhere In The City Pegasus Books

Muller, Marcia

[en] [Sharon McCone 35] • Circle in the Water Grand Central Publishing

Muller, Marcia