[en] The View From Nowhere Oxford University Press, USA
[en] [Very Short Introductions 01] • What Does It All Mean ? A Very Short Introduction to Philosophy2 Oxford University Press, USA
[en] The Last Word Oxford University Press, USA
[en] What Does It All Mean ? Oxford University Press, USA
[en] Mind and Cosmos · Why the Materialist Neo-Darwinian Conception of Nature Is Almost Certainly False Oxford University Press, USA
[it] Questioni Mortali il Saggiatore
[de] Eine Abhandlung über Gleichheit und Parteilichkeit Suhrkamp Verlag
[en] Mind and Cosmos:Why the Materialist Neo-Darwinian Conception of Nature Is Almost Certainly False Oxford University Press
[de] What is it like to be a Bat? / Wie ist es, eine Fledermaus zu sein? Reclam Verlag
[de] Was bedeutet das alles? Reclam
[en] [Canto Classics 01] • Mortal Questions Cambridge University Press
[de] How I fucked Jamal Milena Verlag