[en] Delphi Collected Works of Sir Isaac Newton (Illustrated) (Delphi Series Six Book 26) Delphi Classics
[en] Delphi Collected Works of Sir Isaac Newton (Illustrated) Delphi Classics
[en] The Mathematical Principles of Natural Philosophy B. Motte
[en] The Principia University of California Press
[en] The Principia · the Authoritative Translation · Mathematical Principles of Natural Philosophy University of California Press
[pt] [A Cotten Stone Mystery 04] • As Profecias Do Apocalipse E O Livro De Daniel Editora Pensamento
[la] [Gutenberg 28233] • Philosophiae Naturalis Principia Mathematica PenguinO PS
[en] The Principia · the Authoritative Translation University of California Press
[pt] As Profecias Do Apocalipse E O Livro De Daniel · as Raízes Do Código Da Bíblia Editora Pensamento
[pt] As profecias do Apocalipse e o livro de Daniel : as raízes do Código da Bíblia Editora Pensamento
[en] James Gleick Vintage
[en] Trinity College Notebook Cambridge University Library
[en] [Math 01] • College Notebook Cambridge University Library
[en] [Gutenberg 22285] • An American Suffragette BiblioLife
[en] [Love is for Tomorrow 02] • Reunion Katalyst
[en] [Love is for Tomorrow 01] • Love Is for Tomorrow Katalyst
[it] Scritti sulla luce e i colori RCS - Corriere della Sera