[en] Only to Sleep · A Philip Marlowe Novel Hogarth
[en] Only to Sleep, A Philip Marlowe Novel Hogarth Press
[en] Burning Angel and Other Stories Vintage Digital
[en] The Wet and the Dry Broadway Books
[nl] Schitterende Dieren
[de] Denen man vergibt Verlag Klaus Wagenbach
[en] Bangkok Days Vintage Digital
[es] Perversas criaturas Gatopardo Ediciones
[es] Cazadores en la noche Gatopardo
[en] The Forgiven Hogarth
[en] Hunters in the Dark Hogarth
[en] Bangkok Days Vintage Digital
[en] The Naked Tourist North Point Press
[en] The Ballad of a Small Player Hogarth
[es] Solo para soñar 13insurgentes
[it] Nella polvere Adelphi
[es] Los Perdonados Gatopardo
[en] The Ballad of a Small Player Hogarth
[en] Beautiful Animals Hogarth Press