[fr] Vivant Jusqu'à La Mort. Suivi De Fragments Le Seuil, Le Seuil
[fr] De L'interprétation. Essai Sur Freud Seuil
[en] [Time and Narrative 03] • Time and Narrative, Volume 3 University of Chicago Press
[en] [Time and Narrative 02] • Time and Narrative, Volume 2 University of Chicago Press
[en] Time and Narrative University of Chicago Press
[en] On Translation Routledge
[en] [Time and Narrative 01] • Time and Narrative, Volume 1 University of Chicago Press
[en] Time and Narrative, Volume 3 University of Chicago Press
[en] Time and Narrative, Volume 2 University of Chicago Press
[it] Leggere La Città Castelvecchi
[fr] [Time and Narrative 02] • Temps Et Récit Seuil
[fr] Amour Et Justice Contemporary French Fiction
[en] Memory, History, Forgetting University of Chicago Press
[fr] La Mémoire, L'Histoire, L'Oubli Seuil
[fr] La Métaphore Vive Le Seuil
[fr] Du Texte À L'action. Essais D'herméneutique, T. 2 Le Seuil, Seuil