[hu] Orosz napló Athenaeum Kiadó
[hu] Orosz napló
[it] Cecenia, Il Disonore Russo Fandango
[it] Diario Russo Adelphi
[de] Tschetschenien · Die Wahrheit über den Krieg DuMont Literatur und Kunst Verlag
[it] La Russia di Putin Adelphi
[pt] Um Diário Russo Bertrand Editora
[en] A Russian Diary Random House
[en] Nothing but the Truth Vintage Digital
[en] Is Journalism Worth Dying For? Melville House
[en] A Dirty War Vintage Digital
[en] Small Corner of Hell · Dispatches From Chechnya University of Chicago Press
[en] Is Journalism Worth Dying For? · Final Dispatches Melville House
[en] Putin's Russia Holt Paperbacks