Found 39 books

[en] The Wildside Book of Fantasy · 20 Great Tales of Fantasy Wildside Press

Wolfe, Gene & Lee, Tanith & Hoffman, Nina Kiriki & Swann, Thomas Burnett & Jackson, Clive & Filippo, Paul di & Leiber, Fritz & Howard, Robert E. & Watt-Evans, Lawrence & Betancourt, John Gregory & Smith, Clark Ashton & Carter, Lin & Price, E. Hoffmann & Schwetizer, Darrell & Stableford, Brian & Abdullah, Achmed & McNaughton, Brian

[en] The Adventure Megapack · 25 Classic Adventure Stories Wildside Press

Quick, Dorothy & Price, E. Hoffmann & Howard, Robert E. & Dingle, Captain A.E. & Dunn, J. Allan & Stacpoole, H. De Vere & Sheehan, Perley Poore & Hodgson, William Hope & Lamb, Harold & Hurst, S.B.H. & Bosworth, Allan R. & Mars, F. St.

[en] The Adventure Megapack Wildside Press

Howard, Robert E. & Dunn, J. Allan & Lamb, Harold & Price, E. Hoffmann & Quick, Dorothy

[en] 5 Detective Novels, Summer 1953 5 Detective Novels

Daniels, Norman & Weck, Philip & Ballard, W.T. & Hopson, William & Echols, Alan K. & Price, E. Hoffmann & Quinn, Seabury

[en] Operation Longlife Wildside Press

E. Hoffmann Price

[es] Viajes Al Otro Mundo Alianza

Lovecraft, H.P. & Price, E. Hoffmann & OWEN, Thomas

[en] Savage Beasts Grey Matter Press

Taff, John F.D. & Macomber, Shawn & Anderson, Paul Michael & Morris, Edward & Dunham, T. Fox & Paradias, Konstantine & Lewis, E. Michael & Runge, Karen & Braum, Daniel & Michael, J.C. & Price, Maxwell

[en] [Magazine of Literary, Adventure, Fantasy 120] • Beneath Ceaseless Skies #120 _Beneath Ceaseless Skies_ Online Magazine

Doyle, Debra & Macdonald, James D. & Price, Laura E.