[en] The Ayn Rand reader Plume Books
[en] The Journals of Ayn Rand Plume Books
[en] [The Ayn Rand Library 01] • Philosophy · who needs it Signet Book
[en] The Ayn Rand Lexicon Plume Books
[tr] Ayn Rand - Bencilliğin Erdemi PLATO
[en] The Early Ayn Rand Signet Book
[en] Ayn Rand's Anthem Berkley Books
[en] The Voice of Reason Plume Books
[en] Philosophy Signet Book
[es] La Virtud del Egoísmo Grito Sagrado
[pt] A Nascente Editora Arqueiro
[en] Capitalism Signet Book
[en] Capitalism · The Unknown Ideal Signet Book
[en] Return of the Primitive New American Library
[en] Three Plays Signet Book