[nl] [The Romanov Sisters 02] • De Gezusters Romanov Spectrum
[es] [The Romanov Sisters 02] • Las hermanas Romanov Taurus
[en] Caught in the Revolution Hutchinson
[en] [The Romanov Sisters 01] • The Race to Save the Romanovs St. Martin's Press
[en] Conspirator Basic Books (AZ)
[en] A Magnificent Obsession · The Death That Changed the Monarchy St. Martin's Press
[pt] [The Romanov Sisters 01] • Os últimos dias dos Romanov Editora Record
[en] [The Romanov Sisters 01] • The Last Days of the Romanovs · Tragedy at Ekaterinburg St. Martin's Press
[en] A Magnificent Obsession St. Martin's Press
[en] Magnificent Obsession Cornerstone Digital