[en] Joseph Ratzinger Collected Works · Theology of the Liturgy Ignatius Press
[en] Without Roots Basic Books
[de] Die Liebe Gottes lehren und lernen · Priestersein heute Verlag Herder
[it] Il Dio Della Fede E Il Dio Dei Filosofi Marcianum Press
[en] Images of Hope Ignatius Press
[en] Mary: The Church at The Source Ignatius Press
[pt] Jesus de Nazaré · da entrada em Jerusalém até a ressurreição Editora Planeta
[en] Introduction To Christianity Ignatius Press
[pt] A Infância de Jesus Editora Planeta do Brasil Ltda.
[en] [Jesus of Nazareth 01] • Jesus of Nazareth Doubleday
[pt] Bento XVI - O Último Testamento Editora Planeta
[de] Weihnachtsglanz & Sternenzauber · Unsere schönsten Weihnachtsgeschichten dotbooks Verlag
Busch, Wilhelm & Costa, Friederike & Ebel, Eduard & Eichendorff, Joseph von & Fallersleben, August Heinrich Hoffmann von & Fontane, Theodor & Kritzinger, Friedrich Wilhelm & Lagerlöf, Selma & Nietzsche, Friedrich Wilhelm & Rick, Kirsten & Rilke, Rainer Maria & Schütze, Silke & Spyri, Johanna & Storm, Theodor & Strasser, Alexandra & Wolff, Steffi von
[en] My Brother, the Pope Ignatius Press
[en] The Judge Who Stole Christmas Tyndale House Publishers