[en] The Year 200 Restless Books
[en] A Legend of the Future Restless Books
[en] Tenochtitlan University Press of Florida
[es] Una Leyenda Del Futuro Restless Books
[es] La Celestina (Los mejores clásicos) 2015
[es] Celestina (Austral) Austral
[es] La Celestina (Los mejores clásicos) Editorial Octaedro, S.L.
[es] [Gutenberg 1619] • La Celestina Castalia
[es] Lola Casanova Fondo de Cultura Económica
[es] La Negra Angustias Fondo de Cultura Economica USA
[es] Cuentos Completos Fondo de Cultura Economica, Mexico
[ar] Mundo raro Calixta Editores
[en] The Valley of the Fallen Yale University Press
[en] The Day the Sun Died The Text Publishing Company