[en] The Perilous Adventures of the Cowboy King Liveright
[en] Over There Fictionwise Classic
[en] Light that Blinds, the Claws that Catch Fictionwise Classic
[en] Baby of the Family, A Novel Dutton Books
[en] Bull Moose at Bay
[en] Growing Up Roosevelt State University of New York Press
[en] African Game Trails St. Martin's Press
[en] [Gutenberg 11746] • Through the Brazilian Wilderness Aegypan
[en] [Gutenberg 32084] • Frontier Boys in the South Seas WHITE DOG PUBLISHING
[en] The Wilderness Hunter Modern Library
[en] In the Shadow of the Law Farrar Straus Giroux
[en] Theodore Roosevelt · an Autobiography Dodo Press
[en] Michael L. Cooper Viking Juvenile
[en] Hunting the Grisly Barnes Noble
[en] The Rough Riders by Theodore Roosevelt Modern Library
[en] Too Close to the Sun PublicAffairs