[en] The God of Small Things Random House
[hu] A Felhőtlen Boldogság Minisztériuma Helikon
[hu] A Felhőtlen Boldogság Minisztériuma Helikon
[hu] Az Apró Dolgok Istene Európa Könyvkiadó
[pt] O Deus Das Pequenas Coisas Edições Asa
[it] Guida All'impero Per La Gente Comune Guanda
[fr] Que Devons-Nous Aimer ? À La Rencontre D'Edward Snowden · Essais Et Conversations Editions Gallimard
[fr] Le Ministère du Bonheur Suprême Editions Gallimard
[en] The End of Imagination Haymarket Books
[en] The Doctor and the Saint Haymarket Books
[en] Field Notes on Democracy Haymarket Books
[en] Field Notes on Democracy · Listening to Grasshoppers Haymarket Books
[en] The Shape of the Beast Viking Penguin
[en] Things That Can and Cannot Be Said · Essays and Conversations Haymarket Books
[de] Das Ministerium des äußersten Glücks Fischer E-Books
[en] The Shape of the Beast Penguin Books Ltd
[en] Listening to Grasshoppers Hamish Hamilton
[en] My Seditious Heart Haymarket Books