Found 138 books

[fr] Weber,David & Drake,David & Stirling,S.M. - Autour d'Honor L’Atalante

Weber, David & Drake, David & Stirling, S.M.

[en] [The General 04] • Hope Reformed Baen

Drake, David & Stirling, S.M. & Flint, Eric

[en] [The General 00] • Hope Reformed (7-8) Baen

Drake, David & Flint, Eric & Stirling, S.M.

[en] [The General 05] • Hope Renewed Baen

Stirling, S.M. & Drake, David

[en] [Clan of the Claw 01] • Exiled · Clan of the Claw Baen

Stirling, S.M. & Ringo, John & Nye, Jody Lynn & Williamson, Michael Z. & Turtledove, Harry & Fawcett, Bill

[en] [Brainship #4,7 01] • The City and the Ship Baen Books

McCaffrey, Anne & Stirling, S.M.

[en] Trouble in the Wind (The Phases of Mars Book 3) Theogony Books

Kennedy, Chris & Young, James & Anderson, Taylor & Hoyt, Sarah & Stirling, S.M. & Torgersen, Brad & Anderson, Kevin & Ikenberry, Kevin & Weber, David & Nuttall, Christopher

[en] Ice, Iron and Gold Night Shade Books

Stirling, S.M.

[en] [T2 03] • Future War Harper Collins

Stirling, S.M.

[en] Conquistador Roc

Stirling, S.M.

[en] [T2 03] • The Future War HarperCollins

Stirling, S.M.

[en] [T2 01] • Infiltrator Harper Voyager

Stirling, S.M.

[en] [Bolo 04] • Honor of the Regiment Baen Books

Drake, David & S.M., Stirling