[en] Secret Vaults of Time · Psychic Archaeology and the Quest for Man's Beginnings Backinprint.com
[en] The Alexandria Project Backinprint.com
[de] Das Blogspiel · Die Gewinner werden Internetstars Stephan Schwartz
[en] Levers of Power Verso
[en] Never Again Koehler Books
[en] In Bad Taste · The MSG Symptom Complex Health Press (NM)
[de] [Sun Quest 01] • Elium Fabylon
[es] El arte de la negociación GRIJALBO S.A. - Bogotá, Colombia
[it] Enrico Fermi. L’ultimo uomo che sapeva tutto Solferino
[de] [Elfenzeit 04] • Der Löwe von Venedig Eins A Medien GmbH