[en] Banished: A Pride and Prejudice Variation D&E Publishing
[en] [Lord and Lady Spy 01] • Lord and Lady Spy Sourcebooks
[en] How the Lady Was Won Shana Galen
[en] [The Survivors 07] • How the Lady Was Won (Survivors) Shana Galen
[en] [The Survivors 07] • How the Lady Was Won Shana Galen
[en] [Lord and Lady Spy 02] • True Spies Sourcebooks Casablanca
[en] [Lord and Lady Spy 01] • Blue, the Spy Wore Sourcebooks Casablanca
[en] [Lord and Lady Spy 1.50] • The Spy Wore Blue Sourcebooks Casablanca
[en] Mrs. Brodie’s Academy for Exceptional Young Ladies Kydala Publishing, Inc.
[de] Texas Lady's · Unter Cowboys blue panther books
[en] Banished · A Pride and Prejudice Variation D&E Publishing
[en] [Lord and Lady Spy 03] • Love and Let Spy Sourcebooks Casablanca
[en] [Lord and Lady Spy 3.50] • The Spy Beneath the Mistletoe BMLA Digital
[en] [Stolen Kiss 0.50] • One Week The Studio, a Paper Lantern Lit imprint
[en] [Stolen Kiss 02] • The Secrets Between You and Me The Studio, a Paper Lantern Lit imprint
[en] [Stolen Kiss 01] • The Boyfriend Thief The Studio, a Paper Lantern Lit imprint
[en] [Stolen Kiss 02] • The Rules of You and Me The Studio, a Paper Lantern Lit imprint
[en] All I Want for Christmas Is Blue BMLA Digital
[fr] [Drakon 02] • Le Diamant Maudit J'ai lu