[it] La Battaglia Di Bretton Woods Donzelli
[en] The Marshall Plan Simon Schuster
[en] The Battle of Bretton Woods · John Maynard Keynes, Harry Dexter White, and the Making of a New World Order Princeton University Press
[en] What Would Ben Stein Do Wiley
[en] The Real Stars New Beginnings Press
[en] The Little Book of Alternative Investments Wiley
[en] The Capitalist Code Humanix Books
[en] How Successful People Win Hay House, Inc.
[en] How to Ruin Your Life Anthology New Beginnings Press
[en] The Six-Day Hero Kar-Ben Publishing
[en] As a driven leaf Behrman House Publishing
[en] The Best Revenge Random House
[en] Waiting for Patrick Dreamspinner Press
[de] Halbgötter ohne Weiß
[en] Unbound, Transgender Men and the Remaking of Identity Pantheon Books
[hu] Nyugtalanság
[hu] A vasszekér Di-Book Magyarország