[en] Kingdom of Keys and Curses Tayla Jean Grossberg
[en] Kingdom of Blood and Betrayal Tayla Jean Grossberg
[en] Kingdom of Keys and Curses Tayla Jean Grossberg
[en] Jean Harley Was Here University of Queensland Press
[en] Jean de Saintre University of Pennsylvania Press
[cs] [Irish Country 07] • Doktore, to je ale kotrmelec! LEDA spol. s r. o., 263 01 Voznice 64, 2013, Rozmluvy, Rozvojová 14, 165 00 Praha 6, 2013, Leda
[en] Focus for Direction Balboa Press Australia
[en] New Year’s Eve Shorts Chill Out!
[sl] [Looking Glass 02] • Vorpalový meč Brokilon
[cs] Není úniku
[cs] [Barvy lásky 02] • Obnažená MOBA
[cs] [Barvy lásky 04] • Svedená MOBA
[cs] [Vanessa Michael Munroe 02] • Neviňátko 2 Knižní klub
[cs] [Vanessa Michael Munroe 03] • Loutka 3 Knižní klub
[cs] [Irish Country 08] • Doktore, tak na zdraví! Tom Doherty Associates, New York 2013, Leda
[cs] Zapomenutý důkaz